Gaming Reviews

Welcome To The Prancing Pony, the Official Gaming Review Section of The Northeast  Tolkien Society. Here will provide you with the latest up to date reviews of gaming new releases. This will range from board games, video games and role playing games.

As a way of introduction into the Northeast Tolkien Society's here are some interviews and reviews from past years.

New Reviews are to be handled now via Robert J Fass, THE Gaming Reviewer of The Northeast Tolkien Society

Click here to contact him

The Northeast Tolkien Society has had a great relationship with Games Workshop, the chairs Anthony and Jessica were Tolkien consultants for their Battle of Pellenor Fields, and The Scouring of the Shire expansions (see credits sections in these books), and have had games Workshop on hand for demonstrations at events.
Previously published in Issue 7, August 2003,  of the Journal of the Northeast Tolkien Society

Click Here for the Interview with Games Workshops Game Developer Alessio Cavatore

Previously published in Issue 8 Nov/Dec 2003 of the Journal of the Northeast Tolkien Society

Click here for a Product review: Games Workshop "Shadow and Flame"

Previously Published in Issue 8 Nov/Dec 2003 of The Journal of the Northeast Tolkien Society

Click here for a Product Review: Games Workshop's Fog on the Barrow Downs

Previously Published in Issue 8 Nov/Dec 2003 of the Journal of the Northeast Tolkien Society
Click here for a review of the Games Workshop: Return of the King Review
by Anthony S Burdge

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great article with excellent idea! Thank you for such a valuable article on such a interesting topic. I really liked for this great information.
Rick Carnahan